Who We Are
At Crane, the concept of corporate citizenship—where companies take responsibility not only for profits but also for the impact of their activities on the many different stakeholders with which it interacts—is the foundation on which our company was built. Every leadership conference, every investor presentation and each new employee orientation session begins with a discussion of the ethics on which our Company was founded, including honesty and fairness in dealings with customers, employees and even competitors.
On July 4, 1855, Crane’s founder R.T. Crane, who was in his early 20s at the time, wrote the resolution that has been the foundation of the company’s culture for more than 150 years: “I am resolved to conduct my business in the strictest honesty and fairness; to avoid all deception and trickery; to deal fairly with both customers and competitors; to be liberal and just toward employees and to put my whole mind upon the business.”
This resolution is just as relevant today as it was when it was written, and generations of Crane’s managers have faithfully followed its teachings.