HeetSheet- Gia Nhiệt Cho Bể
HeetSheet tank heating units are comprised of two sheets of 20-gage, type 304 stainless steel, conforming to ASTM A240. The stainless steel sheets are continuously seamwelded together along an outer continuous perimeter with interrupted seam welds arranged inside the perimeter. The welded unit is hydraulically inflated creating a waffle style pattern of multiple flow paths avoiding internal blockage possible with single-flow designs.
For temperatures up to 190°C, a factory applied nonhardening heat transfer compound is applied to the surface of the HeetSheet unit that contacts the tank wall to eliminate air gaps and provide high thermal contact.
For temperatures above 190°C, Thermon’s BondTrace™ 425 heat transfer compound may be applied to the HeetSheet units in the field just prior to the units being attached to the tank wall.
HeetSheet units are available in multiple sizes and are rolled to conform to the radius of the tank. Stainless steel tubing inlet and outlet nozzles are provided for steam or other heating or cooling media. A simple tubing union compression type fitting is used to attach the inlet and outlet tubes to ThermoTube® pre-insulated leads (supply tubing) and tails (return tubing).
Operating Temperature Range: -196°C to 260°C

Manufacturer: Thermon